Carla Martins Soares
Pedro Nunes

Web edition (Edição em rede da responsabilidade de):

10th November 2004

7th International Bridge Festival

Estonia takes the lead again

This year we have players from all Europe. Starting in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Great Britain, France, Spain, our good friends from The Netherlands (sorry for not mentioning you in the bulletin 0: of course we knew you are all coming) and Portugal.

After the first session, the Estonian pair Ants Olev and Jaan Linnamagi takes the lead with 62,24%, closely followed by the Spanish pair Knap and De Miguel with 61,44% and the French/Portuguese pair Schwei-tzer and M. Ascencão with 60,65%.

The first Portuguese pair is in 5th – Manuel Oliveira and Jorge Cruzeiro followed by Tiago Canelas and Nuno Matos.

The Estonians had won, on Monday, the E-W line on our "Play for Fun" session.

As for the locals, Carla Martins Soares and Filipe Gonçalves are 7th, 5.16% behind the first pair.

No big differences between the contenders and everything is still up for grabs – the 21st is only 9% behind the leaders. Let’s see how everybody does on this afternoon’s second session.


Funchal, November 8-14, 2004

R E S U L T S    S E S S I O N     1

28 Boards, Average = 756

RANK PAIR SCORE nr. name points percent ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 14. Ants Olev-Jaan Linnamagi 941 62.24 2 306. Knap-De Miguel 928.9 61.44 3 206. Ascencao-Schweitzer 917 60.65 4 304. Rolf Olsson-Rune Hilding 906.2 59.93 5 201. Manuel Oliveira-Jorge Cruzeiro 894 59.13 6 101. Tiago Canelas-Nuno Matos 868.9 57.47 7 7. Carla Soares-Filipe Goncalves 863.1 57.08 8 8. Joke Kelderman-Rene Ammers 862 57.01 9 106. P.G.Pereira-Nuno Paz 858.6 56.79 10 203. Paula Lima-J.P.Rocha Pinto 850.5 56.25 11 311. Anders Palmgren-CarlRagnarsson 848.5 56.12 12 109. Bjartmarsson-Thorvaldsson 843.5 55.79 13 111. Ria Sallsten-Inger Sallsten 838.9 55.48 14 107. Mike Beyer-H.v.Beek 833.5 55.13 15 105. Kirsi Virtanen-Vesa Leskela 826 54.63 16 202. Schutz-Verhoef 815.4 53.93 17 204. Dan Stratan-Radu Mihai 815 53.90 18 11. Carlos Pimenta-Mario Reis 814.8 53.89 19 211. Jan-Olov Andersson-G.Petersson 813.8 53.82 20 114. Teixeira Lopes-Jose P.Sousa 810.9 53.63 21 113. Sveinkels-Kamerbeek 804 53.18 22 15. Nuno Lacerda-Isabel Lacerda 788.5 52.15 23 315. Gerard Limmen-Jan Tulp 782.2 51.73 24 1. M.Estorson-I.Frances 771.1 51.00 25 210. Miguel Teixeira-Rodrigo Soares 770.8 50.98 26 104. Joao Machado-Jose Macedo 770.2 50.94 27 310. Martins Soares-Jose M.Gouveia 768.2 50.81 28 209. Brian Penton-Vera Frances 763.8 50.52 29 10. H.Robbe-C.E.Brands 761.4 50.36 30 302. Wim Hink-Jan de Winter 761.2 50.34 31 5. Acacio Matias-Angela Matias 760.5 50.30 32 110. Hilding Dmesius-Hilding Pers. 757 50.07 33 9. Pedro Nunes-G.Esmeraldo 755 49.93 34 303. Bergsson-G.Sveinsson 752.5 49.77 35 208. Dag Mangset-Anne Rydning 740.5 48.98 36 115. Bartelemy-Hoes 737 48.74 308. H.Jenny-R.Schouten 737 48.74 38 301. Eiriksson-Thorvaldsson 733.6 48.52 39 313. Mart Maastik-Jaak Strandberg 727.5 48.12 40 6. M.Thunberg-Mart Altmae 725.5 47.98 41 12. Stuart Coggrave-Pamela Coggrav 724.4 47.91 42 3. Godric Dearing-Julia Dearing 723.4 47.84 43 213. Robert Snapper-Ric.Fernandes 723 47.82 44 307. Hege Falster-Asle Lutken 721.2 47.70 45 108. Wil Stoop-H.Sprenkeling 712.6 47.13 46 205. Metselaar-Swinkels 707.8 46.81 47 309. Koetser-Bouscher 691 45.70 48 215. Natercia Grade-IlidioRodrigues 679 44.91 49 214. Virgilio Mota-J.A.Fernandes 678.8 44.89 50 312. Jaime Sousa-Ricardo Sousa 643 42.53 51 212. Henrique Ribeiro-Joaq.Trindade 641.1 42.40 52 207. Valen-Balder 629.5 41.63 53 305. Taru Suppula-Jussi Tamminen 629 41.60 54 13. Nuno Mata-Fernando Ribeiro 626.4 41.43 55 102. Dirk Balder-M.Stoop 624.6 41.31 56 103. Pedro Morgado-Ricardo Luiz 615.6 40.71 57 314. Mihkel Juhkami-Tarmo Lindmaa 610 40.34 58 4. Ritva Launne-Marti Launne 602 39.82 59 112. van der Meulen - P.Linssen 539.5 35.68 60 2. Alda Fernandes-Jose Fernandes 520.1 34.40

Don’t Forget the Typical Dinner & Folklore today!!!

Buses leave at 8:30 pm

5 © doubled!

by Rodrigo Martins Soares

There were a few interesting hands on our first session of the pairs event. Sitting South I held 7-5 in Spades and Clubs, a couple of 20 point monsters and an 8 card spade suit. Unfortunately we didn’t manage to make the best of those great deals. Let me tell you, for instance, of that last hand – it was board 18.
Miguel Teixeira Jaime Sousa Yours truly Ricardo Sousa
  1©  4ª 5©
Dbl Pass Pass Pass


ª J 2
© K 4 3
¨ J 10 8 2
§ K Q J 8
ª 10
© 10 9 6 5
¨ A Q 9 7
§ 7 5 3 2

W       E
ª A 5
© A Q J 8 2
¨ K 6 5 4
§ 10 9
  ª K Q 9 8 6 4 3
© 7
¨ 3
§ A 6 4

It was our last table and we were playing against another pair from Madeira. My lead was the ªK. Dealer took it with the Ace, entered dummy with a diamond and finessed successfully the King of trumps. After drawing the trumps, he ruffed his last spade with dummy’s last heart and played a club. Miguel (sitting North) won with the Jack and cashed the King and Queen, that was ruffed in hand . The position was now:

Now Jaime played his last trump ditching a diamond from dummy, squeezing North in the minors. A nice play for a nice 53 out of 54 matchpoints.

Of course we could have beaten it if Miguel had played the ¨J when he was in with the clubs. Declarer could have made more difficult for the defence had he entered dummy with a spade ruff for the trump finesse, but we still could have beaten it if I overtake partner’s club honour with the ace and play a diamond, allowing my partner to win the second club and play the squeeze breaking second diamond.


¨ J 10 8 
§ 8
¨ A 9 7
§ 7 

W       E
© J 
¨ K 6 5 
  ª Q 9 8 6
On board 10 we were again on the receiving end.

VUL ALL Dealer N
ª A K 8 5 3
© J 4
¨ Q
§ A J 7 3 2
ª Q 9 7
© Q 8 7 2
¨ 3
§ K Q 9 8 6

W       E
ª 4
© A K 6 5 3
¨ A J 10 9 8 2
§ 5
  ª J 10 6 2
© 10 9
¨ K 7 6 5 4
§ 10 4





Miguel Teixeira

Yours truly
  1© Pass 4©
Dbl. 5¨ Dbl. 5©
Pass Pass Dbl. All pass
Well this was more of a bidding decision than a exceptional declarer play. After the trumps break 2-2 and the fQ falls, it’s quite easy to produce 11 tricks.
Opponents played a strong club system so 4© could have been almost anything. When East bid 5¨ I thought he was sacrificing and giving his partner a lead direction. When 5© got passed back to me I had to decide if partner’s pass was or not forcing. It appeared to me that it was so givem the vulnerability. If the diamond bid was real partner must have a very strong hand for he doesn’t have many diamonds and knows I make take 4© out to 5¨. If the diamond bid is lead directing then E should be very weak for he is preempting. Anyhow, I decided that even if they did make 5© our matchpoint result wouldn’t be that great either (in effect it would have been almost average - 25 out of 54). So there I go with the red card. Wrong! Another 5© doubled to the opponents and another single matchpoint (out of 54) to us.

Programme for Today and Tomorrow


Free day for golf or other activities(*)  


2nd Session (Centro Congressos Madeira)

Typical dinner & Folklore

Restaurant "O LAGAR"


Free day for golf or other activities(*)  


3rd Session (Centro Congressos Madeira)

Final Results

Centro de Congressos da Madeira

(*) Golf may be arranged at the front desk of the hotel