Carla Martins Soares
Pedro Nunes

Web edition (Edição em rede da responsabilidade de):

9th November 2004

7th International Bridge Festival

The First Day

Yesterday, the evening was a busy one. It was the cocktail and the simultaneous tournament.

The hands were played all over Portugal in 7 other places.

Ants Olev and Jaan Linnamagi were fist with 64,67%, followed by Mart Maastik and Tula Kinks in the E/W line with 52,29%.

Hege Falter and Asle Lutken won the N/S line with 62,35%, followed by Sveinn Eiriksson and Sveinn Thorvaldsson with 56,39%.

Below you can see all the results of our room.

The national results will only be available tomorrow.

Today, after that first effort, we begin the real thing.

Today, the "Sorry partner, I was asleep" excuse won’t be met with the old "I don’t care" look.

We wish you all good luck and expect that you spend a good time while playing bridge.


Funchal, November 8-14, 2004




75 €/ Player

200 €/Team (up to 6 players)



17 Pairs - 27 Boards North-South
Pos No. Names                                   Sco Sco      %

1. ( 7) Hege Falster & Asle Lutken              294 183.3 62.35

2. ( 2) Sveinn Eiriksson & Sveinn Thorvaldsson  294 165.8 56.39

3. ( 3) Gudlaughr Sveinsson & Pall Por Bergsson 294 163.2 55.51

4. ( 6) Bjartmarsson & Porvaldsson              294 150.4 51.16

5. ( 4) Rolf Olsson & Hilding Rune              294 146.2 49.73

6. ( 5) António M Soares & José Maria Gouveia   294 143.4 48.78

7. ( 9) Rene Ammers & Joke Ammers               336 156.5 46.58

8. ( 1) Natercia Grade & Ilidio Rodrigues       294 128.0 43.54

9. ( 8) Anne Rydning & Dag Mangset              294 107.3 36.50
1. (12) Ants Olev & Jaan Linnamagi              336 217.3 64.67

2. (13) Mart Maastik & Tula Kinks               336 175.7 52.29

3. (14) Valen & Balder                          336 171.9 51.16

4. (17) João Machado & José Macedo              336 166.5 49.55

5. (15) Mihai & Stratan                         336 165.5 49.26

6. (10) M Isabel Lacerda & Nuno Lacerda         336 157.9 46.99

7. (16) C Kamerbeek & Hans Metselaar            336 146.8 43.69

8. (11) Kersti Juhkami & Ulle Lindmaa           336 142.3 42.35

                                       Totals 5376 2688.0

All Boards Factored To A Common Top - (14)


Doubling with a Void


ª A Q 9 8 7 5
¨ A K 7 6
§ K 6 2
ª K 10
© 7 2
¨ J 9 8 4 2
§ 9 8 5 3

W       E
ª 6 2 © A K J 10 5 ¨ Q 3
§ A J 10 4
  ª J 4 3
© Q 9 8 6 4 3
¨ 10 5
§ Q 7
Yesterday’s board 9. proved to be a hectic one. Only two results were equal after 7 rounds and those were +800! The first big decision on the bidding was made usually by North. He starts the bidding with 1ª , hears 2© from East and that is passed to him. What should he do with his hand? 2ª seems a big underbid, you may not have a good enough suit for 3ª , 3¨ may make it difficult to show the 6th spade and 3© seems a big overbid. The problem with doubling for take-out is that you know partner will pass for penalties very often – and are you realing aiming to defend with your nice 6-4 and a void in trumps? Most authors advise against doubling for take-out with a void on low level auctions, but the extra high card strenght and the vulnerable opponents made it inviting enough for at least 3 players sitting North. Partners dully sat for the double and colected 800 (twice) or 500, depending more on the defence than on the declarer. 3 other players decided on some other action and ended up playing 4ª (2) or 3ª . The most unusual result of all was +1100 when E/W ended up in 4© duly doubled by South.


ª K Q 8 6
© A Q J 6 4
¨ K Q 10 3
ª J 9 5 3
© K 3
¨ A 9
§ A 10 8 3 2

W       E
ª 10 4 2
© 8 2
¨ 8 7 4 2
§ K Q 5 4
  ª A 7
© 10 9 7 5
¨ J 6 5
§ J 9 7 6
Board 18 gives us another go at it. Althoug the board was almost flat, with all but two N/S bidding game in hearts and all making the easy 12 tricks, what would have happened if East was especially agressive? Say that after pass-pass -1§ -dbl, East bids a vul vs not vul wild preeptive 3§ . Now you have an interesting decision again. What should North do when this is passed over to him? A new take-out double seems to describe the hand best, but look at the South cards – leaving the double in seems a distinct possibility and +300 won’t get you many matchpoints.
So the old question still remains – should or should you not double for take-out with a void in the opponents suit?

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